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At Home Massage Therapy for Adult Developmental Disabilities

If a loved one or family member has an adult developmental disability, you might want to consider massage therapy. Research shows that clinical massage can impact motor function and reduce stress.

What You Should Know About Massage Therapy for Adult Developmental Disabilities

Benefits Of Home Massage Therapy For Adults With Developmental Disabilities

To understand the benefits that people with developmental disabilities can gain from massage therapy, it’s important to understand the struggles they face in daily life.

For instance, research shows that people with developmental disabilities will also struggle with anxiety, depression and high levels of stress. Typically, this is because they find social life difficult and they are often unsure how to fit into the world around them.

Many studies have also revealed that massage therapy can help with all of these issues. Massage therapy for adult developmental disabilities is designed to support both the body and the mind.

Research reveals that when massage treatment is completed by professionals it can have an impact on the stress hormone. Ultimately, it will ensure that individuals feel far less stressed after treatment has been completed. Levels of depression and anxiety can also often be improved due to this.

Furthermore with stress levels reduced, it’s possible that social interactions can also improve. Since, individuals are less stressed they find it easier to interact with people without becoming anxious and overwhelmed.

Other research has suggested that massages can improve sleep in individuals with developmental disabilities as well. Sleep issues are often caused by physical issues and pains. Massage therapy for adult developmental disabilities can help tackle the root causes of these pains and ensure that they get the relief that they need.

As well as offering treatment for mental health issues, massages have even been shown to have a positive impact on motor functioning and increase muscle tone in patients who have Down syndrome. This can improve functionality and mobility providing the individual with the chance to have a greater level of independence.

These are just some of the fantastic benefits that patients with developmental disabilities can gain from professional massage treatment.

Remember, treatment like this can be completed in the home, in an environment where individuals feel comfortable, secure and calm. By doing this, many of the issues that you could face trying to provide this type of treatment for a person with developmental disabilities can be addressed in a caring and compassionate manner.

Inclusive Treatment

You might be worried that people with developmental disabilities will not be able to benefit from massage therapy due to the traits of their condition. For instance, some people with Autism do not like being touched and find it hard to interact with strangers.

Many people with Autism will continue to struggle with social cues and social language even through their adult years. This is just one example of how a developmental disability can impact their lives.

However, massage therapy for adult developmental disabilities is completely inclusive. One of the main benefits is that this type of treatment can be developed and provided around the individual needs and requirements of the client.

This includes the traits of their condition and the traits of their personality. For instance, massage therapists are trained to pick up on both verbal and nonverbal cues. This is particularly important for those with language difficulties and to guarantee that the individual is always kept completely comfortable and feels secure.

Developmental Disabilities Explained

Developmental disabilities are conditions that begin towards the start of an individual’s life. In some cases, they can be detected and diagnosed at birth or even during pregnancy.

These disabilities impair learning, language, behavior, social or physical development. They will usually affect the person for the rest of their life. Though there is some research to show that conditions will improve in the later years.

Disabilities that fall into this category which you might recognize include Autism, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. Each of these conditions does impact the development of an individual physically and or mentally.

Why Use BodyWell Massage?

Massage therapy for adult developmental disabilities can be incredibly beneficial, providing the support they need to improve well being and general health. It can be difficult to get adults with developmental disabilities to get to appointments and maintain a schedule for massages.

That’s why you’ll be thrilled to hear that we provide in-home massages. In-home massages are ideal because they work around your schedule.

You can choose when to arrange a massage for an adult with a disability. Rather than needing to take them to a place that they don’t know the massage can be completed in an environment that they are familiar with and understand.

This ensures that the massage is as relaxing as possible without any issues that could disrupt the impact this type of treatment can have.

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