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Video Blog: What Makes Body Well Mobile Massage Different?

Mar 14, 2015 | Founders Blog

Owner and Founder Dan Melmed explains how Body Well’s in home massage, chair massage and other mobile massage services are special.

With more and more newcomers to the field of on site massage therapy, it’s more important than ever to distinguish between various providers.

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Here is the rough text from the video:

“Dan Melmed here, I’m the owner and founder of Body Well therapy mobile massage and I just want to talk for a minute today about one of the things that makes body will different from some other mobile therapeutic massage companies that you may encounter.

What’s really important and always has been from the beginning is customizing each massage as best we can to each individual client’s needs.

So we don’t have the philosophy that massage is a one-size-fits-all type of thing we think it’s a very personalized service it should be very customized and so we will try our best when possible to understand as much as we can from our customers it what it what are your goals what kind of therapist would be ideal for you.

We do have a number of therapists available in a given area and we want to find the one that really is going to be the best match for your needs – not who’s closest, lives closest to you or just happens to be available at that time.

If we get a request at the last minute we have to do our best to accommodate that but typically we really want to do is say; okay what it is you’re looking and based on our understanding and relationships with our therapist who is going to be the best person to fit with that individual.

So that’s just one of the things that makes us different, we believe.

We put a lot of care into the recruitment of our therapists and trying to get to know them and making sure that they do meet high standards and so that they’re going to provide a satisfying service and hope we keep our customers coming back and that’s what has helped us to stay in business since 2005 and hopefully for a lot longer with your support.

So that’s all for today, thanks for watching!”

Since 2005, Body Well has made scheduling a high-quality traveling Licensed Massage Therapist simple and stress free! Our hand-picked Body Well Certified Therapists® travel to your home, hotel, office or event 7 days a week, morning noon and night. Body Well Therapy mobile massage is A+ rated and actively accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We have been featured in Univision, The Miami Herald and NBS.

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Learn more about what Bodywell and mobile massage therapy can do for you from our founder, Dan Melmed.