Not all mobile Massage Therapists are Body Well material. Some will never be, some just need some more experience and training.
Among other qualifiers, therapists must pass an evaluation with our owner, or in some cases with one of our massage recruiting specialists.
Here is some feedback provided about a recently licensed massage therapist who did not achieve a passing grade with one of our specialists:
“A few of the non-bodywork related concerns she mentioned include being late (apparently as a result of not having the proper equipment ready to go), an overly casual demeanor prior to the massage and during the intake (sitting on the table and on top of the linens barefoot), and some draping and table mechanics problems, including exposing her breast (an error she noted but did not actually apologize for) which could be a big problem for some clients.
On the bodywork side, she felt there was too much time spent over the drape, and while you have “good hands” many of the strokes, especially on the traditional relaxing/swedish side (admittedly by her account not her specialty) were not really effective at eliciting relaxation or tension release. Even when this style is not preferred by a therapist, it’s important to be able to effectively accommodate clients seeking a basic relaxing massage. “
In this case, after reading the evaluation I reviewed the feedback with the therapist. She admitted that she had been out of the “game” for a while and this was a “wake up call” for her to bring her game back up to par.
I offered her the opportunity to come back and try again some time when she felt confident, but she did not take me up on the offer.
We do have an active therapist who did not pass her initial evaluation with me. She was recently licensed at the time and I gave her a lot of feedback on how she could improve.
She took it as a challenge, and came back to see me about a half a year later after working at a clinic and honing her skills in the meantime. To my delight she was much improved! She has now been with us for years and clients love her work. Kudos to her for that determination!
We expend a great deal of time and energy to find the best mobile massage therapists, so our clients can expect a consistently high level of service, and enjoy the quality service we work so hard every day to provide!
Dan Melmed, Owner & Founder
Body Well