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Auto Injury Massage Boston

Jan 17, 2024 | Injury and Insurance


Have you had the misfortune of being injured in a car accident in the greater Boston area? Body Well provides auto injury massage in Boston, MA.

 Boston, Massachusetts, highlighting the cityscape and landmarks, promoting Body Well's auto injury massage services.

We are here to provide in-home therapeutic massage through auto insurance in case you’ve been injured in a car crash. You’ll need to have medical benefits available to help pay for medical bills associated with the car accident. We will also talk about getting a prescription in order to get started. More on that later. 

If you’ve ever spent any time driving around Boston you won’t be surprised that accidents are common (even though nearly a third of Bostonians use public transit).

One of the best things about our auto injury massage service is that you don’t even have to get into a car to go and get your massage therapy. Our talented licensed massage therapists come right to your door in Boston and all around the metro area! That said, if you prefer to go to a clinic type location, it can also be arranged for you. 


How does it work?

We simply need to obtain a little bit of information from you and your claim. This will also include reviewing or helping you to obtain a prescription from a physician or chiropractor. This will specify that massage would be helpful in your recovery (medically necessary technically) from your injury, plus a few other standard forms and your claim information.

From that point we can go ahead and communicate with your insurance company and commence the process of getting your claim verified. After that, we go about selecting and assigning a qualified licensed and insured therapist who can come to your home in Boston to provide the therapeutic massage. 

We also do have a wide variety of massage therapist available and we will do our best to find one that is most suited to you.  To ensure that you are satisfied with your therapy we will continue as long as it takes. 

Call today so we can discuss your case and your claim so we can get the ball rolling for you! You can also use one of the many forms found here on our website. Under most circumstances from our first phone call we can have somebody out to you within about one week. Call us in any day up until 10 PM at 888-929-9355 for your auto injury massage in Boston, Massachusetts. For more details about rules and regulations surrounding auto injury in Massachusetts you can visit the website. 

Since 2005, Body Well has made scheduling a high-quality traveling Licensed Massage Therapist simple and stress free! Our hand-picked Body Well Certified Therapists® travel to your home, hotel, office or event 7 days a week, morning noon and night. Body Well Therapy mobile massage is A+ rated and actively accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We have been featured in Univision, The Miami Herald and NBS.

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Learn more about what Bodywell and mobile massage therapy can do for you from our founder, Dan Melmed.